World Property Business Club

nomades numériques

Attract digital nomads

Here is a new global passion: attracting digital nomads. 11 million Americans were already working remotely from abroad in 2020. Digital expatriates could be 1 billion by 2050 according to the Inter-American Bank . This is a great opportunity for governments to engage in competition and attract a population with high purchasing power.

Digital nomads: seduction operation in Eastern Europe

Georgia started this trend in 2021. Its program ” Work remotely from Georgia ” has already attracted more than 2,000 expatriates. This is to encourage digital nomads to come to the country for at least a year and take advantage of the particularly low cost of living of Tbilisi , the capital.

Croatia has suffered since 2020 from the collapse of its tourist economy. In order to compensate for the scarcity of tourists, it offers specific one-year residence permits to non-European teleworkers. You have to stay there, take out health insurance and have 2,200 euros in monthly income. In return, there is income tax exemption. Other Eastern European countries, such as the Czech Republic or Estonia, are also embracing this idea.

The United States, a land of welcome

The United States takes in over a million legal immigrants each year. 50% come from Latin America. Some cities like Miami, San José or Los Angeles have more than 30% immigrants among their population.

Some low-rated cities in the United States, such as Topeka , Kansas, or Savannah , Georgia, are trying their luck at attracting a working foreign population. They offer installation assistance of up to $ 15,000.

Digital nomads: tax advantages

In Italy, the towns of Rieti and Santa Fiora are struggling to keep their population. They announced assistance to remote workers ready to settle there, which results in a discount on rents.

Bali announces long-term visa for digital nomads. The visa can be for up to five years. It will be necessary to prove a bank deposit of 130,000 €. The government, with this new visa, wants to encourage nomads to stay longer in the country. And aim at those who have the best purchasing powers. In return, there is a tax loophole.

Thailand also offers a four-year visa for remote workers.

The red carpet is rolled out under the feet of digital nomads. They have the choice between distant dream destinations or closer but less “glamorous”. A word of advice for nomadic candidates: consider travel restrictions in the event of a pandemic, jet lag and having an excellent internet connection.

André Perrissel

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